
Approaching a Relationship with Intention: The Key to Lasting Love

Written by Shay Your Love Diva | Sep 24

When it comes to romantic relationships, there’s a significant difference between going in with intention and simply allowing things to unfold. Too often, people use relationships to learn who they are, to heal wounds, or to fill voids they aren’t even fully aware exist.

That's a triple scoop No Ma'am!

Diva, if you want a relationship that truly thrives—a love based on mutual admiration, respect, and deep connection—you need to do the inner work first. Healing and transformation are the foundation of long-term relationship success.

Understanding Yourself: The Key to Intentional Relationships

The journey to a successful relationship starts with understanding who you are at your core--especially the parts of you that you dislike or are ashamed of. And extra especially the parts of you that you aren't aware of.

But let's start with the easy stuff. What are your needs, values, desires, and boundaries? If you don’t know yourself deeply, you risk entering relationships based on assumptions or temporary feelings. That is why I have designed my programs and my customized approach to start with healing first before we can even think about moving onto dating strategy and calling in your soulmate and the life of your dreams.

Because how can you think about attracting your dream life if you don't even know what wounds are holding you back in life?

When you know yourself, you're not just reacting to the world around you; you're making intentional choices that align with your true essence.

It's easy to fall into the trap of using relationships to figure out your identity. But why would you want to make your partner the playground for your self-discovery? Relationships already bring enough challenges as they often expose deep-seated fears, insecurities, and emotional triggers. This can make or break even the best relationships. If you haven’t done the work to heal before entering a relationship, these unresolved issues can wound and weaken your connection. 

The Importance of Healing Before Love

The wounds will follow you wherever you go. Heal.

Healing is more than just working through past heartbreaks or disappointments. It's about uncovering the subconscious patterns that shape your behavior, dismantling old stories that no longer serve you, and reconnecting with your highest, truest self. When you don’t heal, your unresolved pain becomes the lens through which you view love, trust, and intimacy, making it difficult to form a healthy relationship.

Without healing, you'll find yourself reacting to your partner in ways that stem from past wounds, sabotaging the relationship before it even has a chance to flourish. On the other hand, when you heal, you step into relationships with a sense of inner peace, confidence, and emotional stability. Regulating your nervous system is one of the greatest gifts you'll ever give yourself. You will no longer be living in a state of fight or flight, reacting and overreacting to every little thing. You won't be walking through the world raw and vulnerable to attracting toxic men or people who want to take advantage of you. You're no longer seeking validation, safety, or love from another person to fill the gaps within yourself. Instead, you offer your partner the best gift possible: the fully healed, authentic you.

The Vibration of Love: Attracting Your Soulmate

When you’ve done the inner work and transformed yourself through emotional and spiritual healing, you elevate your vibration. This elevated frequency not only changes how you approach life but also who you attract into your life. Like attracts like, meaning if you're emotionally and spiritually healed, you're more likely to attract a partner who has done the same. This paves the way for a relationship built on a strong foundation of love, mutual respect, and admiration.

A soulmate connection isn't about completing one another or filling in the blanks. It’s about two whole, healed individuals coming together, free from the baggage of the past, and ready to create a new, shared future. When both partners have done the healing, the relationship is less likely to fall into toxic patterns or cycles of hurt.

Go Beyond Traditional Therapy: Dive Deeper into Your Healing

If you're reading this, chances are you’ve already explored some form of healing. Perhaps you’ve spent time in talk therapy or consumed hours of YouTube videos and Instagram posts filled with self-help tips. These are great first steps, but they are often limited. Talk therapy can become a cycle where you simply relive the same problems over and over, leaving you stuck in your past without real, transformative breakthroughs. Free content like memes and motivational posts can inspire you momentarily, but they don’t go deep enough to reach the subconscious mind, where your deepest wounds reside.

Real healing requires more than just talking or consuming bite-sized bits of advice. It demands that you dive deep into your subconscious mind, into the hidden layers of pain, trauma, and limiting beliefs that are driving your behavior. True transformation occurs when you address the root causes of your fears and insecurities, not just their symptoms.

By going beyond surface-level healing, you’ll break free from the cycles that have held you back in past relationships. You’ll stop attracting the same toxic patterns, and instead, align with a partner who reflects the healed, whole version of yourself. Whether it’s through spiritual practices, intensive workshops, or deep emotional work, the key is to go deeper into your healing journey than you ever have before.

Commit to Your Healing for a Blissful Future

Choosing to heal yourself is one of the most powerful acts of self-love. Not only does it transform your life, but it sets you up for long-term relationship success. By doing the hard work now—through emotional and spiritual healing—you will not only attract your soulmate but also create a relationship that is deeply fulfilling and blissful.

It’s time to take your healing journey to the next level. Move beyond traditional therapy or social media advice and commit to diving deep into the emotional and spiritual work necessary to become the best version of yourself. By doing this, you will give both yourself and your future partner the greatest gift: a relationship based on genuine love, admiration, and respect.

Ready to get started on your healing journey? Book your Love Mapping Call today and let's create your path together. Go to to sign up!