
Breaking the Cycle: Healing Your Toxic Relationship Patterns

Written by Shay Your Love Diva | Jun 24

Unravel the reasons behind your chronic unhappiness in relationships by understanding, breaking, and healing your own patterns and programming.

Recognizing Your Relationship Patterns

When it comes to relationships, it's important to recognize the patterns you tend to fall into. This means being aware of the types of people you are attracted to and the behaviors we tolerate. By recognizing our relationship patterns, we can start to understand why we keep experiencing the same issues over and over again.

For example, if you find yourself constantly dating unreliable or disrespectful men, it's important to acknowledge that this may be a pattern in your relationships. Subconsciously, you are attracted to this disposition, this attitude. Therefore, it's become a quality you subconsciously seek out in a partner, and it becomes your "type." By recognizing this pattern, you can begin to explore and identify why you are attracted to these types of individuals and heal the emotional wounds that have driven these toxic dating behaviors.

Recognizing your relationship patterns also involves being honest with yourself. It's easy to make excuses for someone's behavior or overlook red flags, but deep down, you know when something isn't right. By acknowledging these feelings and trusting your instincts, you can start to make healthier choices in your relationships.

Reflecting on Past Experiences

Reflecting on past experiences is an important step in understanding your relationship patterns. By looking back on your previous relationships, you can gain insight into the common themes and dynamics that have occurred.

Take the time to ask yourself questions such as: What were the similarities between these relationships? Make three columns and two rows, list the names of the last three men you had relationships with. Write down what you liked about the relationship and what you did not like. What were the patterns that emerged? Were there any warning signs that I ignored? By reflecting on these experiences, you can start to identify the behaviors and situations that have led to your chronic unhappiness in relationships.

It's also important to examine your own role in these past relationships. Were there any behaviors or tendencies that you exhibited that may have contributed to the problems? If you're feeling brave, ma'ams, ask your close family and friends their opinions about your behavior and demeanor in your last few relationships. What did they notice? Ask for their brutal honesty, because baby, that's what's going to help you take responsibility for your own actions. Then, you can begin to make positive changes moving forward.

Identifying Destructive Behaviors

In order to break the cycle of toxic relationships, it's crucial to identify the destructive behaviors that may be contributing to your chronic unhappiness.

These destructive behaviors can manifest in a variety of ways, such as clinginess, jealousy, or being overly demanding. By recognizing these behaviors, you can start to address them and work towards healthier relationship dynamics.

Identifying destructive behaviors also involves examining any fears or insecurities that may be driving these actions. For example, if you have a fear of being alone, you may settle for less than you deserve in a relationship. By addressing these underlying fears, you can start to break free from the cycle of toxic relationships.

Breaking the Cycle of Toxic Relationships

Breaking the cycle of toxic relationships is not an easy task, but it is possible. With self-reflection and personal growth, you can begin to heal what's been holding you back from transforming your life and calling in all that's meant for you in love and life!

Start by setting clear boundaries and expectations in your relationships. Communicate your needs and desires openly and honestly, and don't settle for less than you deserve.

It's also important to surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and loved ones who can provide guidance and encouragement throughout your journey (i.e. the Divahood community and the world's top Love Mastery Agency, perhaps?) This support system will quickly and effectively uncover your relationship patterns on a profound level and heal those wounds and underlying issues that have been holding you back!

By breaking the cycle of toxic relationships, you can create space for healthier and more fulfilling connections in your life! 

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