
How Long Should You Date Before Marriage?

Written by Shay Your Love Diva | Mar 24

Discover the perfect timeline for dating before tying the knot

Learn the Dating Game from a Master Certified Love Strategist

When it comes to dating and finding the right partner, it can be helpful to learn from an expert. As a Master Certified Love Strategist, I have studied and mastered the science of love and relationships. My valuable programs include data, insights and scientific strategies for navigating the dating game to win.

By learning from a Love Strategist, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what you're looking for in a partner. This starts with identifying your unique relationship goals and provide guidance on how to attract your soulmate into your life.

The right program can also help you improve communication skills and provide tools for building a strong and healthy relationship that will withstand the test of time. The right support person, aka coach, will be there as you navigate the challenges and pitfalls of dating, and provide support and guidance as you journey towards marriage.

Learning from the world's top Master Certified Love Strategist can give you the knowledge and skills you need to find and maintain a fulfilling and lasting relationship. So if you're serious about dating and finding your soulmate, consider seeking guidance.

Preparing for Love

Before getting married, it's important to take the time to prepare yourself for love. This means doing the necessary inner work to ensure you're ready for a committed relationship. I call this clearing your Love Blocks.

Preparing for love involves diving into your past programming and healing your subconscious wounds, which also includes a high level of self-reflection and self-improvement. It means taking a close look at your past relationships and learning from your mistakes. It also means addressing any emotional baggage or unresolved issues that may be holding you back from fully opening your heart to someone else.

In addition to working on yourself, preparing for love also involves practical considerations. This may include ensuring your living space is conducive to attracting a healthy, loving relationship, and your wardrobe, vocabulary, and daily practices align with what you're calling forth.

Preparing for love is an ongoing process, and it's important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to grow. By taking the time to prepare yourself for love, you increase your chances of building a strong and successful marriage.

The Science of Dating and Love

Dating and love may seem like matters of the heart, but I'm here to tell you that it is based in SCIENCE. Researchers have been studying the psychology and biology of love for decades, and their findings can provide valuable insights into the dating process.

One area of scientific research is attraction. Studies have shown that certain characteristics, such as physical appearance and personality traits, can influence our attraction to others. Understanding these factors can help us make more informed decisions when it comes to choosing a partner.

Another area of research is the chemistry of love. When we fall in love, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin, which create feelings of pleasure and attachment. Understanding the science behind these chemicals can help us understand the intense emotions we experience in a new relationship.

The science of dating and love can also shed light on the importance of learning how men and women fall in love, and adjusting your dating practices and approaches accordingly. Research has shown that in the initial stages of a relationship, that whirlwind of emotions and connection, you’re both riding the high of the honeymoon phase is quite the biochemical cocktail of all the feel good hormones, and you literally become addicted to one another! Dopamine, hailed as the "reward neurotransmitter," floods your brain during this phase, orchestrating feelings of pleasure and anticipation, turning ordinary moments into something extraordinary. Oxytocin, nicknamed the "love hormone" or "cuddle hormone," plays a pivotal role, as we know--women release oxytocin during sex which causes her to emotionally bond to the man she just did the horizontal Macarena with. It forms emotional bonds, boosts trust, and deepens intimacy, especially in moments of physical closeness--it’s powerful, and not to be taken lightly!. Now, Serotonin, the mood regulator, steps up. During the honeymoon period, it fluctuates, leading to feelings of euphoria and a touch of obsession. Your partner might become a constant muse, making it a bit challenging to focus elsewhere. Enter Vasopressin, linked to pair bonding and monogamy. It amps up loyalty and territorial instincts, adding a layer of protectiveness to your connection. Amidst this chemistry, there's also Cortisol, the stress hormone, making a cameo. Yes, love is a thrilling ride, but it does come with its twists and turns. It sounds like a dream, right? Well, it is! The not-so-great news is that this honeymoon phase tends to fade anywhere from six months to two years into the relationship. When this happens, some people throw in the towel because they expected it to last forever, but the real ones know--true love is built on so much more than the new relationship energy. Alright, no need to get worked up about the honeymoon phase waving its goodbye. Instead, soak up and cherish every single moment of it. Why? Because down the road, you've got the ability to kickstart a whole new version of that honeymoon magic whenever you fancy. How? Polarity, secrets of a master seductress, and the solid foundation you two have thoughtfully and intentionally laid for a successful marriage! 


6 Phases of a Relationship

A relationship goes through different phases as it progresses, and understanding these phases can help single women navigate the journey towards marriage and a longlasting loving relationship that withstands the test of time. Phase 1 is rather quick, but phase two is the most important to take slowly--around the 2-3 month mark. Once commitment hits, it should be 8-10 months before engagement and 12 months after engagement should be a wedding. Anything longer is a waste of your time!

Phase 1: Attraction Picture this, gorgeous: You strut into the room, dripping in confidence and feminine allure, and before you can bat an eyelash, he's hooked. But let's get real – what you're feeling isn't love, it's lust, baby! According to the queen of anthropology, Helen Fisher, it's all about the hormones, darling. His testosterone is on overdrive, and you're the delicious cheeseburger he's craving. But remember, you're not just any burger – you're the gourmet Wagyu Beef burger with truffles and caviar. So, while he's salivating at the thought of sinking his teeth into you, remember your worth, Diva.

Phase 2: Courting Phase Now, you've got him chasing you like a cheetah on the prowl, and you're reveling in every moment of it. But hold your horses, Diva! Dr. Louann Brizendine spills the tea – men chase, and women choose. So, resist the urge to shower him with affection too soon, because every man needs a little caveman time to let those bonding hormones kick in. Slow-drip your time with him, and remember, men chase what they can't have.

Phase 3: Pull-Away Phase Just when you think you've got him in the palm of your hand, he starts pulling away faster than you can say, "Hello Kitty." But fear not, Diva, because this is where the magic happens. Men need space to process their emotions and weigh the merits of commitment. So, keep calm and carry on with your fabulous life while he takes his time to come back around.

Phase 4: Commitment When he finally comes crawling back, you'll be too busy slaying life to even notice. But when he does, and he's ready to talk commitment, remember, you're the prize, darling. Don't jump at the chance to lock him down – take your time, assess the situation, and if he's earned it, accept his offer with grace and poise.

Phases 5 & 6: Engagement and Marriage Congratulations, Diva, you've made it to the final stretch! But remember, the journey doesn't end with a sparkly ring and a marriage certificate – it's just the beginning. Keep nurturing and maintaining your love, and remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Understanding these phases can help us navigate the challenges and joys of a relationship. It's important to remember that each relationship is unique, and the timeline for progressing through these phases may vary. The key is to communicate openly with your partner and make decisions that align with your values and goals.