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Clearing Space For Love

Published on April 08, 2021
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Clearing Space For Love


DIVA! Step away from the ice cream! 

Stop. Drop. And roll off that couch. Grab the remote, turn off the tv and throw that carton of ice cream AWAY already! Then shake off all that morose, woe-is-me energy and get ready... 

Get ready for what you ask? 

Get ready for love! But first, let’s do some housekeeping. 

Declutter Challenge

What else is in your fridge, freezer or pantry that you know you don’t need, that you know you will use to self-sabotage your hopes and desire for love? What is in your home that leads to self-loathing and self-doubt and self-destruction? I need you to walk through your home with those questions in mind. Don’t do anything about them the first round. Just be in a state of observation. Take a second run-through, looking and remembering where/when you might have purchased or been given those items. Do yourself a favor and release yourself from any emotional attachment to those things, whether it be food or a picture of a lonely woman that you have hanging on your wall. Third time’s a charm, right? Well, on your third sweep of your home, I want you to CHUCK THOSE ITEMS! Yes!!! Chuck them! Throw them in the trash! Know that they do not serve you, not well anyway, and that you want and deserve better than what they offer. 

Sometimes the things that block you from love are your very surroundings. Your attitude about your surroundings and the message that your surroundings convey. You know that picture of the lonely single woman I told you to chuck? The messaging there continues to perpetuate your singlehood. Want love? Marriage? Family? Hang imagery of that instead! 

Back to my pantry-raiding request. I’m not saying you can never have a delicious treat or snack. All I want for you, Diva, is for you to love yourself. Truly. Deeply. As an elite love coach, this is one of the many secrets I share with my ambitious women clients and celebrity clients alike. It’s absolutely alright to delight your senses with pleasurable, tantalizing goodies. It’s not okay to beat yourself up about it afterwards. So if your ice cream binges wreak havoc on your self-esteem in the morning, it’s best to ditch it until you can enjoy it whilst maintaining a pure love for yourself in the interim. 

Self Care is an Act of Self Love

Do you want to find love or find abuse? When you punish yourself, you tend to attract men who will do the same. When you love yourself, however, you will notice a shift in the type of men who are drawn to you. You will find yourself meeting men who love that you love you and are willing to chase you so they will have the privilege to do the same. 

Depending on your head space in the moment, you may have just enough gumption to grab a salad instead of the ice cream. This will make you feel better a little longer. If you can manage a bit more, take a walk and just breathe for a while before you return to face the piled-up problems. The mindful pause will help you get a better perspective. Maybe make yourself a nice healthy meal to keep the body on track, and as you shop and cook, be sure to allow a moment of gratitude for the food and the pleasure of preparing it just the way you like it. Escalate from there, create regular rituals that make you slow down, enjoy the simple things, and find fulfillment in your own company. Again, when you love you, others will easily love you. 

You won’t have to ask google “where to find good men” because they’ll be flocking to you already. Do you meditate? That’s part of what slowing down is all about. Becoming centered, grounded, one with yourself. Need help with a guided meditation for love? Shay “Your Love Diva” provides meditation tools along with energy work and healing guides as well as an Amazon bestseller. It’s not too late to find love. It’s not to help to seek and get help. It’s not too late to step fully into your power and match up with a great guy who joins you, becoming that power couple you’ve always envisioned.

Looking for dating or relationship advice? Book your 1:1 Love Coaching session with Shay's Certified Love Specialists today!

