
The Cost of Trauma: How Unhealed Wounds Are Keeping You Stuck in Love and Money

Written by Shay Your Love Diva | Mar 25

If your money feels tight despite your success and your love life looks like a never-ending cycle of men who take more than they give, it’s not bad luck—it’s a pattern. A pattern rooted in scarcity thinking, trauma, and subconscious programming that’s been keeping you stuck for far too long.

When you operate from scarcity, you make decisions from fear—fear that there’s not enough love, money, or opportunity to go around. That fear doesn’t just affect your bank account; it determines the kind of men you attract. And if you’re constantly drawing in men who drain you emotionally, financially, and energetically, that’s not a coincidence. It’s a reflection of your deepest, unhealed wounds.

Scarcity thinking and unresolved trauma whisper the same lies: You have to work twice as hard for half as much. You have to prove your worth. You have to give more to be loved. And guess what? The wrong men love women who believe those lies. They show up, take advantage, and leave you wondering what went wrong.

But here’s the truth: When you heal, when you step out of scarcity, and when you embody your worth, you stop attracting takers and start attracting givers—in love, in business, and in life. Let’s break down how trauma is keeping you stuck and, more importantly, how you can break free.

The Hidden Price of Unhealed Trauma

You’re a boss in the boardroom, but why are you settling in the bedroom? Why are you making six figures but still feeling broke? The answer is simple: trauma programs you to play small, to accept breadcrumbs, and to operate in survival mode instead of abundance. Here’s how it’s showing up in your life:

1. Low Self-Worth = Low Standards in Love and Life

That man who “forgets” to call, keeps you waiting, or only shows up when he needs something? That’s a mirror of your self-worth. When you don’t fully believe you deserve unwavering love, you settle for inconsistency. And that mindset doesn’t just stop at relationships—it bleeds into your finances, your friendships, and your career choices.

2. Scarcity Thinking = Scarcity Living

Unhealed trauma wires your brain for scarcity. It tells you that there’s never enough—whether it’s love, money, or opportunities. That’s why you hesitate to leave toxic relationships, demand your worth, or invest in yourself. You’re afraid that if you let go, there won’t be anything better waiting for you. And that’s the biggest lie trauma will ever tell you.

3. The Cycle of Over-Giving & Attracting Takers

Successful women with unhealed wounds often fall into the trap of over-giving. You pick up the check, you over-explain, you make excuses for men who don’t deserve you—all because your trauma tells you that love has to be earned, not received. And guess who loves women like that? Men who take. Users. Narcissists. Opportunists. They smell unhealed wounds like sharks smell blood in the water.

Breaking Free: How to Step Into Abundance & Real Love

It’s time to stop playing small. It’s time to stop operating from your wounds and start operating from your worth. Here’s how:

1. Heal Before You Hustle

You can have all the degrees, promotions, and accolades, but if you haven’t healed the wounds that tell you you’re not enough, you’ll keep attracting situations that confirm that belief. Healing isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

2. Rewire Your Subconscious Beliefs

Every single thing you attract is a reflection of what’s happening in your subconscious mind. If you’re attracting men who take, ask yourself: Where am I still operating in lack? Where do I still believe I have to prove my worth? It’s time to rewire those beliefs for abundance and love.

3. Invest in Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It—Because It Does

You’ll drop $500 on a designer bag but hesitate to invest in coaching, therapy, or healing? Sis, that bag isn’t going to fix your love life or reprogram your subconscious. You are your greatest asset. When you invest in yourself, you send the universe (and your own subconscious mind) a message that you are worthy of the best.

4. Step Into Your Feminine Energy & Let High-Value Men Show Up

You don’t have to chase. You don’t have to convince. You don’t have to earn love. The moment you shift into your feminine energy, set your standards, and heal the wounds that kept you settling, high-value men will show up and pursue you. Because that’s what happens when a woman stands fully in her power.

The Time to Break Free Is Now

Trauma has cost you enough. It’s kept you stuck in dead-end relationships, underpaid jobs, and a cycle of exhaustion. But guess what? You don’t have to stay there. The life, the love, and the success you crave are all on the other side of healing. And the best part? Once you step into your healed, high-value self, you will never—never—settle again.

So, are you ready to stop bleeding for love and start receiving it? Then it’s time to invest in the most valuable asset you have—YOU.

Because when you heal, you don’t just win in love—you win in life. And that’s the energy we’re bringing in from now on. 🔥