
Unveiling the New Dating Trend: Submarining

Written by Shay Your Love Diva | Jul 24

Uncover the mysterious world of 'submarining' in modern dating and how it can impact your emotional well-being.

Understanding Submarining: What It Is and Why It Happens

Submarining is a frustrating dating trend where someone disappears and reappears without explanation. Think of it as ghosting with a mysterious return. In other words, it's backburner behavior (an uncomitted man will keep you romantically interested without making things official or officially calling things off to keep you as a romantic option, therefore he maintains no responsibility to you but can use you for his own fulfillment). I t can leave the person on the receiving end feeling confused, hurt, and uncertain of where they stand in the relationship.

This behavior shows a lack of consideration for the other person's feelings and a lack of commitment. The person who is submarining may return for various reasons, such as boredom, a desire for validation, or a desire for a casual hookup. This speaks to his low-value character. He is not a match for a high value, single successful woman who is dating for marriage.

The reasons behind submarining can vary from person to person, but it often stems from a fear of intimacy or a desire to maintain control in the relationship. Some individuals may enjoy the power dynamics that come with playing with someone's emotions, while others may struggle with their own emotional availability. Understanding why submarining happens is essential in recognizing the red flags and protecting yourself from further emotional distress.

The Impact of Submarining on Successful Single Women

Submarining can have a significant impact on successful single women who are looking for a genuine and committed relationship. These women have worked hard to achieve their goals and establish themselves in their careers, and they deserve a partner who respects and values their time and emotions.

When someone engages in submarining, it undermines the trust and stability that successful single women seek in a relationship. It can lead to feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, and a questioning of one's own worth. This behavior can be especially damaging for women who have already experienced disappointment or heartbreak in the dating world. It is important for successful single women to recognize submarining as a red flag and prioritize their emotional well-being.

Recognizing the Red Flags of Submarining in a Relationship

Submarining is a clear red flag in a relationship and should not be ignored. It is important to be aware of the signs and patterns associated with this behavior to protect yourself from further emotional harm.

Some red flags of submarining include sudden and unexplained disappearances, inconsistent communication, and a lack of accountability for their actions. If someone repeatedly disappears and reappears without a valid explanation or shows little regard for your feelings and needs, it is likely that they are engaging in submarining.

Recognizing these red flags is crucial in maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship. It allows you to set boundaries, communicate your expectations, and make informed decisions about the future of the relationship.

Handling Submarining: Tips for Protecting Your Emotional Well-Being

Dealing with submarining can be emotionally challenging, but there are steps you can take to protect your well-being and make informed choices about your relationship.

First and foremost, trust your instincts. If something feels off or inconsistent in the relationship (tell tale sign: you don't feel prioritized or that you're being treated as the prize you are!). it is important to listen to your gut and make thoughtful decisions for yourself. Don't communicate with the man about it unless you want to receive a bunch of denial, gaslighting, and confusion. Why? Because anyone who participates in this kind of behavior does not have respect for you and they don't have a good character. Simply put: he's in it for himself.

A high value, Masculine Energy man will never confuse you on where you stand in his eyes. You will always feel cared for, protected, and prioritized. 

Unless you clear your Love Blocks®, heal, and transform your subconscious mind in the realm of romantic love, you will continue to attract men who are not good enough for you.

Remember that you deserve a partner who is consistent, reliable, and committed to your happiness. Do not settle for someone who repeatedly engages in submarining, as it will only lead to further emotional distress. Stay informed, trust yourself, and prioritize your own emotional well-being in the dating world.